CCUS Norway Annual Meeting 2024

Tuesday 3. April 2024,  CCUS Norway held its annual meeting at Aker Carbon Captures premises at Fornebu. Attendees from our board and our 60 members were present in the room and online.


At the meeting we presented the annual report, and discussed our strategy going forward. Our primary focus onwards will be on positioning CCUS Norway as a national network and centre of expertise for CCS/CCU. We will continue to promote joint project opportunities for members through network meetings, conferences and meeting places with the aim of increasing joint project collaboration.


Next steps

We will also continue to provide competence-building opportunities such as professional seminars/webinars, lectures, presentations, company visits, study trips and meetings to strengthen CCUS expertise in Norway and connect Norwegian actors to competence abroad. Last, we will enable advocacy opportunities and facilitation of cooperation between members for joint efforts to improve the framework conditions for carbon management in Norway.

New board members

The annual meeting also elected the board members for the coming years. We now have the following new board in place:

  • Anne Marit Post-Melbye, Head of the Board (Zero)

  • Jan Gabor, Board member (Mo Industripark)

  • Ingunn Saur Modahl, Board member (Norsus)

  • Markus Sebastian Hole, Board member  (Celsio)

  • Ida M. Larsen, Board member (Norsk E-Fuel)

  • Cato Christiansen - Board member  (Capsol Technologies) 

  • Vetle Houg, Board member  (Heidelberg)

  • Ida Coert, Deputy member (Aker Carbon Capture)

  • Caroline Svae, Deputy member (Sval Energi) 


CCUS Norway would like to give a warm welcome to new board members Cato Christiansen, Vetle Houg, Ida Coert, Ida L, Markus Sebastian Hole and Caroline Svae, and thank the members who have been on the board the last years and now re-elected for the coming period (Anne Marit Post-Melbye, Jan Gabor and Ingunn Saur Modahl).

Ragnhild Jensen (Elkem) and Emil Yde Aasen (Aker Carbon Capture) were the elected nomination committee this year, and we thank them for a great effort with the nominations the two last years. The proposed resolution for the annual meeting for a new nomination committee was Camilla Brox and Kenneth Juul, which the annual meeting adopted.

We would also like to give warm thanks to board members who have now finished their term. Thanks for your great efforts and support during the last years to Ragni Rørtveit, Frode Schjolden, Mina Jacobsen and Rune Dirdal. A special greeting goes out to to chairman Pål Mikkelsen for his thorough and enthusiastic work during the last years.


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