Conference - CCU
We hereby invite members and others to CCUS Norways first conference. At this conference we focus on use/utilisation of CO2. There will be presenters representing organisations, industrial companies, technology suppliers and research companies who will share the latest news on CCU; research and projects. There will also be be Q&A sessions and discussions around CO2 utilisation; how can we utilise CO2? How is CO2 used today and what can/should we use CO2 in the future?
Date/time: March 9th, 10am - 4 pm.
Place: Ingeniørenes Hus, Kronprinsens gate 17, Oslo
Register: Conference CCU
10:00 - 10:15
Welcome to CCUS Norways conference!
Pål Mikkelsen, Chairman of the Board - CCUS Norway.
Pål Mikkelsen is a M.Sc in Mechanical engineering from NTH and has more than 25 years of experience from WtE, district heating and waste management. He has held positions as a COO, and as CEO in several companies. He has in-depth knowledge about flue gas treatment, waste treatment, steam, district heating and business development. He has been engaged in CCUS since Autumn 2014 and was engaged in the CCS project at Klemetsrud for several years. He is at present chairman of CCUS Norway and a board member of Borg CO2. He also serves as an advisor in business development and strategy for Borg CO2. Pål Mikkelsen is owner of Stormkast Utvikling AS (Ltd.) which provides expertise in management, WtE, flue-gas cleaning, business development and strategy in general, and specializes in CCS development.
10:15 - 10:30
How can we utilize CO2? How is CO2 used today? And what can/should we use CO2 for in the future?
Richard Heyn is chief researcher at SINTEF. He has worked with CCU for more than 20 years and led both national and international research projects on the subject. He currently coordinates three EU projects within sustainable chemistry and is Vice-Chair for Circularity Innovation within Europe's private-public partnership Processes4Planet.
10:30 - 10:45
Policy perspectives & roadmap scenarios for CCU in Europe
Tudy Bernier, Senior Manager at CO2 Value Europe.
Tudy joined CO₂ Value Europe as Senior Policy Manager in July 2021. He leads the work of the organisation on advocacy and public affairs on EU policies for energy and climate. His responsibilities involve analysing EU policies, drafting strategies and position papers and representing the Carbon Capture and Utilisation value chain in regular meetings with policy makers and EU stakeholders. Prior to joining CO₂ Value Europe, Tudy worked for a business association focusing on circular economy, closed-loop recycling and climate policies, and for a consultancy, working on creative and cultural industries. He holds a Master’s degree in European Affairs from Sciences Po Lille (France). In addition to his native French, Tudy is also fluent in English and Spanish.
10:45 - 11:00
Carbon management and Norwegian opportunities
Ole Jørgen Marvik, Special Advisor for Life Sciences at Innovation Norway, the main government agency for industry development.
Marvik has a broad background from several start-ups in the medical and industrial biotech sectors. Currently involved in Innovation Norway’s activities to stimulate new bio-based value chains and carbon recycling (CCUS). Norwegian delegate to the OECD-BNCT Working Party and active in their initiative on carbon management. Marvik holds a PhD in molecular biology and a master's degree in business management.
11:00 - 11:15
CO₂ for use in greenhouses to improve crop yields
Odd-Geir Lademo serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Lademo has more than 25 years of experience in SINTEF and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (“NTNU“). He has also worked as a Research Manager in the Department of Materials and nanotech of the SINTEF Industry. Additionally, Lademo held the position as an Adjunct Professor at NTNU. Lademo is also a member of extensive national and international industry networks and in the core team of high-ranking research centers, such as SFI SIMLab and SFI CASA. Finally, he holds an M.Sc. and PhD from the Department of Structural Engineering at NTNU.
11:15 - 11:30 COFFEE BREAK
11:30 - 11:45
CO₂ for algae production
Hans Christian Eilertsen, Professor, employed at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø for 43 years, mainly engaged in research on microalgae, zooplankton and fish larvae (biological oceanography) and biotechnology as well as physical oceanography. Has been leader of several research projects and has also worked with issues related to (CCU) biofixation by mass cultivation of microalgae. Retired from UiT in 2019 and has since been hired by the ferrosilicon producer Finnfjord AS working with mass production of diatoms to be applied as a new sustainably produced lice deterring salmon feed.
11:45 - 12:00
CO2 mineralisation to bind CO2 in construction materials
Christian J. Engelsen is Chief Scientist at SINTEF and has a PhD degree in inorganic chemistry from University of Oslo. He is adjunct professor at University of Agder, Department of Engineering Science in Norway. He has been working in SINTEF for 24 years. His research field of interest is processing, treatment, recycling and CO2-binding to waste materials in cementitious systems. Engelsen has published more than 110 scientific papers in journals, book chapters, conference proceedings and technical reports.
12:00 - 12:30 Q&A
12:30 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 13:20
Sustainable aviation fuels beyond biofuels
Arvid Løken is Senior adviser and SAF focal point in Avinor’s Sustainability Department. Avinor is Norway’s main airport operator and has been active in early introduction of SAF, both directly through phasing in at Avinor’s airports and in a catalytic role together with the Norwegian aviation industry. Arvid has a background from innovation funding and innovation projects. Arvid holds a masters degree in economics and resource management from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and an MBA from Warwick University (UK).
13:20 - 13:40
Is it a good idea to capture and use CO2 as feedstock?
Ingunn Saur Modahl is a senior researcher at NORSUS. She graduated with an M.Sc. in mechanical engineering/thermal energy from NTH. Her work is connected to environmental optimising of resources in production and services, with a special focus on energy. Ingunn is involved with projects on biorefining, waste resources and recycling, and CCUS. She is also responsible for NORSUS’ LCA software tool.
13:40 - 13:55
The importance of biogenic CO2 in new value chains
Lars Bjørn Larsen is CCO at Norsk e-Fuel, a company that works to establish the production of sustainable synthetic aviation fuel from CO2, water and electricity. Norsk e-Fuel is in the process of establishing its first factory in Mosjøen and is planning at least 2 further factories in Norway. Larsen will tell more about both the plans and the importance of biogenic CO2 for the production of e-fuel.
13:55 - 14:15
CO2 will replace petroleum as feedstock for chemicals. DME is one example.
Bård Bergfald operates Bergfald Environmental Consultants, a team of 10 environmental experts assisting the Norwegian industry in the Green transition. Bergfald worked for Bellona in 12 years, before starting the consulting business 25 years ago. He is a Board member for several Greentech companies as well as the ZERO foundation.
14:15 - 14:30
Green-Methanol from biogas and green hydrogen: A CCUS pathway
Antonio Oliveira, is a Mechanical Engineer with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. He is an expert in the field of bioeconomy and circularity and he has worked on several national and international projects related to CCUS, H2 production, and bio-refineries.
Currently, Antonio is serving and Head of the Department of Environmental Industrial Process at IFE. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee of the Hemispheric Program of Bioeconomy and Productive Development, which is coordinated by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).
Before joining IFE, Antonio worked at the Centre of Strategic Studies and Management in Science and Technology Policy, in Brasília, Aston University in the UK, and CIRAD in France, where he engaged in cutting-edge research on bioenergy and developed a broad professional network.
14:30 - 14:45
Regulatory framework allowing CCU to grow and be deployed across the continent
Kenneth Juul is one of the founders behind the company Carbon Centric, a company which builds, operates and owns carbon capture facilities associated with point emissions. The company specializes in carbon capture from bio- and waste incineration plants. The company handles CO2 downstream of the capture facility and works with both users of CO2 (CCU) and with storage facilities (CCS). For the past 12 years, Kenneth has worked with management, sales and business development in various technology companies in the energy industry. Kenneth holds a Master´s degree in engineering cybernetics from NTNU, Trondheim.
14:45 - 15:00
The importance of research and development
Arve Solheim is heading the department for Process Industry and Carbon Capture at Enova, the main government agency for supporting developments and market introduction of climate technologies.
Solheim holds a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry and has a broad background from R&D as well as start-ups and industry within materials for energy technologies.
15:00 – 15:30 Discussion around CCU; utilisation, terminology (Coffee will be served…)
15:30 - 15:45
Viken County Municipality’s focus and support
Johan Edvard Grimstad, is the County Council of Business and Innovation, Viken County Municipality. He represents Senterpartiet. Former municipal politician and county politician in Østfold within Business and culture. He has worked in the voluntary sector with events, marketing, fundraising and management, and in commercial property. He has extensive experience in international aid work from, among others, the Norwegian Church Aid and the Norwegian Association of Disabled. Grimstad is a civil economist from NHH, and an agronomist from Tomb School of Agriculture.
15:45 – 16:00 Launch of CCUS Norway´s ´CCU forum´
Ingeniørenes Hus, Kronprinsens gate 17, Oslo.