Carbon Removals
October 27th we had a network meeting where we looked into the latest news on certificates, national support schemes and ETS in relation to BEECS. To achieve climate neutrality at the latest by 2050 and negative emissions thereafter, we need to increase carbon removals and establish sustainable carbon cycles.
Pål Mikkelsen, Chairman of the board opened the meeting and gave an introduction on what is happening in the CCUS field in Norway. Then we had invited different speakers who shared their knowledge:
Fabien Ramos, Carbon Removals Policy Officer, DG Climate action at the European Commission presented how the European Commission is working on the development of an EU regulatory framework for the certification on carbon removals.
Jørild Svalestuen from Gassnova will gave a presentation of the latest status in the global initiative Mission Innovation – Carbon Dioxide Removal, including Norway’s role and priorities.
Marianne Tikkanen from presented in general and explained crediting opportunities and markets related BECCS-DACCS and carbonated-CCUS. For more info, see
Matthias Krey from Perspectives Climate Group gave a presentation on the CCS+ Initiative. The CCS+ Initiative is a global, multi-stakeholder alliance set up to scale frontier climate technologies in carbon capture, utilisation, removal and storage. For more info: CCS+ Initiative
Thanks to all our presenters, and thanks to all of you who joined in. We look forward to seeing to all at our next network meeting.
Sustainable carbon cycles
A robust certification system to reward carbon removals.