CCUS Norway about the national budget proposed for 2024

The government proposes to allocate around NOK 2.8 billion to work on carbon capture and storage in 2024. We appreciate and support the overall goal to ensure carbon capture and storage becomes a cost-effective climate measure in an international perspective to combat global climate change.

The Norwegian government especially mentions the research and demonstration of CO2 capture technologies under the CLIMIT programme, Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) and the Langskip project, wereof both Mongstad and Langskip is granted less than previous years.

However, we still would appreciate a more systematic support systems for CCS, more incentives for CO2 removal and also better incentivation of utilization;

The government does not propose a framework that will realize carbon capture projects in industry or waste incineration in systematic ways. We would love to see a clear signal that the government will support the hard-to-abate sectors in more direct ways, especially waste incineration.

The government does not propose incentives for CO2 removal or CO2 utilization. We also call for greater focus on the utilization of CO2. If we are to succeed with the climate transition and achieve our goals by 2030, it is crucial that financial mechanisms are put in place that support holistic CCUS value chains, which are documented to be environmental beneficial.

Statsbudsjettet 2024


CCUS Norway about the pre-project support from ENOVA


CCUS Suppliersforum November 28th