CCUS Norway about the pre-project support from ENOVA

Enova SF has a new support program for CCS «Forstudie karbonfangst 2030», up to 50% support (NOK 50 million) that includes FEED studies. CCUS Norway welcomes the new support programme for feasibility studies for carbon capture and utilization that can receive up to NOK 50 million in funding (of the total framework of NOK 100 million). This is important for the industry, and very timely to enable the CCUS ecosystem to develop and grow. As this is also the first time Enova has not omitted Utilization in their call for proposals, it is very positive and appreciated from CCUS Norway.

However, the fact that a program will be launched in September with a deadline already medio November makes it difficult to establish consortiums and raise the necessary resource contributions within the short timeframe. As this program is expected to be a one-off, it can seem like this policy instrument is primarily eligible for actors who already have established projects in the space.

Enova supports pioneering companies that are adopting innovative and sustainable solutions to reduce CO2 emissions using new carbon capture technology. Enova wants to contribute to the realisation of new carbon capture technology by supporting technology development projects with the aim of lowering costs in the long term. In this way, Enova contributes to increased knowledge and reduced risk, and an accelerated development towards competitive carbon capture.

CCUS Norway hopes to see more such support schemes in the future, beyond those that may currently be relevant to CCUS projects:



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